Public Maps Gallery template version 1.4  --Opening post

11-22-2011 02:57 PM
New Contributor III

Please reply to this opening post to submit questions and comments about the Public Maps Gallery (PMG) template version 1.4.
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175 Replies
New Contributor III
I am having problems with how my template interacts with Internet Explorer.  I try to go to the site (still under development so I can't link you to it), but I seem to get the following prompt for most of my maps (and frequently multiple times per map): "Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive."  Yes/No.  Clicking No often does not succeed in loading the map, and the message will pop up numerous times after this before it finally functions properly.  The maps I am linking to are found here.  I am using IE version 8.0.6001.18702CO.  Does the problem lie in how I have customized the template, or in Internet Explorer?  Related: the template seems to function fine with Firefox.

Thank you

Hi rayjaw,

I think I've run into this as well. I believe it's just Internet Explorer not liking the Modernizr javascript framework when running locally from your computer (using file:// protocol). Does it still do it if you run the page from a development server or anywhere using the http:// protocol?

It may not be an issue when you put it on a server.

If it's still doing it when you're not using it locally (file://) then it may be something else I can look into.

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New Contributor II
Hi Veronica,

You can change the file to open in explorer in the optional settings config.

Here's the line of code to look for:

// CHANGES THE MAP VIEWER TO USE 'simple' (map.html), 'explorer' (ArcGIS Explorer) or 'arcgis' (ArcGIS Javascript)
pmgConfig.mapViewer = 'simple'; // values: 'simple', 'explorer' or 'arcgis'. default: 'simple'.

I currently have our application setup to use the 'simple' option.  I've also left the embed option enabled.  I like the simple option because users can stay within the gallery to browse through multiple maps without leaving the site.  However, I would like to be able to give them a way to view the map with the additional options they can gete vie the explorer and arcgis options.  Is there an easy way to allow the user viewing the map.html page to then open the selected map via ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Explorer Online?

The link to our site is  Thanks for your help!
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New Contributor III
When I used the address search and it zooms to the location, my custom tiled base map disappears.  Any reason why this is happening?
I just started testing this template out this week.... it is still in the development stages.

Here is my site...
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New Contributor III
When I used the address search and it zooms to the location, my custom tiled base map disappears.  Any reason why this is happening?
I just started testing this template out this week.... it is still in the development stages.

Here is my site...

Hi Bill,

That looks really good. Nice work.

The geolocation is probably zooming too far for the custom basemap. You can change the Level of detail in one of the scripts files. I should probably make it a config variable in the future. If you look in user-agent.js on like 54 you can change the lod variable to a smaller number so it doesn't zoom users in too far.

function zoomToLocation(x, y, IPAccuracy){
 // calculate lod
 var lod = 14;

Hope that helps.
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New Contributor III
I currently have our application setup to use the 'simple' option.  I've also left the embed option enabled.  I like the simple option because users can stay within the gallery to browse through multiple maps without leaving the site.  However, I would like to be able to give them a way to view the map with the additional options they can gete vie the explorer and arcgis options.  Is there an easy way to allow the user viewing the map.html page to then open the selected map via ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Explorer Online?

The link to our site is  Thanks for your help!

Hi Dan,

On the simple map viewer, under the about tab there's a link to get to the viewer. Is that what you're looking for? Maybe you would like a more prominent button somewhere?
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New Contributor III
Hi Bill,

That looks really good. Nice work.

The geolocation is probably zooming too far for the custom basemap. You can change the Level of detail in one of the scripts files. I should probably make it a config variable in the future. If you look in user-agent.js on like 54 you can change the lod variable to a smaller number so it doesn't zoom users in too far.

function zoomToLocation(x, y, IPAccuracy){
 // calculate lod
 var lod = 14;

Hope that helps.

For some reason, the marker is gone now and I couldn't get that to work.  Any suggestions?  Is there a possibility of using my own geocoding services I have published?
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New Contributor III
For some reason, the marker is gone now and I couldn't get that to work.  Any suggestions?  Is there a possibility of using my own geocoding services I have published?

Yeah, you could use your own geolocator you'll need to change some JS to get that to work. It uses the esri geolocator for address input and the auto complete dropdown. Everywhere you see 'aoGeocoder' in the code.

For zooming to your location it's just using HTML5 geolocation from the browser. I'm sure you can change that too but it requires javascript changes as well.
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New Contributor III
We are unable to open any of the Public Map Galleries that are version 1.4.  We've tried to view Esri's demo site, as well as those posted by users on the forum (Arlington, Rockville, etc.).  When we try to launch the gallery, we just get the loading circle icon and the page never loads:
I have contacted our network administrator, but IT hasn't resolved it yet for us.  Has anyone else had this problem?  I think it's probably some security issue on our end.  It doesn't matter if we are using Firefox or IE...we still can't open any 1.4 galleries.
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New Contributor II
Hi Dan,

On the simple map viewer, under the about tab there's a link to get to the viewer. Is that what you're looking for? Maybe you would like a more prominent button somewhere?

Thanks - I missed that.  That is helpful.  I am looking for a more prominent button but was actually thinking of one that takes the user directly to the ArcGIS Online map (particularly so those without capability for Silverlight can view) as well as direct link to ArcGIS Explorer Online map.  Thanks for all your work on this.  I really like this template - it's easy to configure and use.
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
We are unable to open any of the Public Map Galleries that are version 1.4.  We've tried to view Esri's demo site, as well as those posted by users on the forum (Arlington, Rockville, etc.).  When we try to launch the gallery, we just get the loading circle icon and the page never loads:
I have contacted our network administrator, but IT hasn't resolved it yet for us.  Has anyone else had this problem?  I think it's probably some security issue on our end.  It doesn't matter if we are using Firefox or IE...we still can't open any 1.4 galleries.

Sounds like your network may be blocking connection to a javascript file. The only thing I can think of is the jQuery files on the microsoft cdn.
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