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Symbolize flow direction

06-23-2016 11:35 AM
New Contributor II

Has anyone been able to symbolize flow direction of sewer or storm sewer pipes in ArcGIS online? if so, how'd ya do it!

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2 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor


How is your data stored? If you're using ArcGIS Server and publish a Map Service, you should be able to retain your symbology from ArcGIS Desktop (thus, showing the arrows/flow going the right way, etc.).

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Occasional Contributor III

I'd like to know as well.  I'm not using ArcGIS Server....just uploading to my AGOL account and displaying the feature service in a webmap.  I think it'd be a really useful feature to have in the symbol selector in AGOL. Perhaps they could add it to the pattern selection dropdown?