What/where is the Alias profile for Arcade?

06-22-2020 01:43 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Referring to this page:

Profiles | ArcGIS for Developers 

The first profile is known as the "Alias" profile and it uses the global variable $value. I have read and re-read the explanation for that profile and I just don't understand it. Attribute Rules, Field Calculate, Pop Ups -- all of those make sense because I know where to find them in AGOL and/or Pro. Where/how would I use the Alias profile and the $value global variable?

2 Replies
Notable Contributor

Lol. I posted a similar question just now: Arcade: Alias profile

It looks like the Arcade GitHub is empty for Aliases. I was hoping to see an example there.

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Esri Contributor

It's used in the ArcGIS Pro Range settings for configuring the range alias: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/mapping/range/set-the-range-properties-on-a-layer.htm.

We anticipate it may be used in other areas in the future which is why it wasn't given a range specific name.