Add Additional Details in Catalog View in ArcGIS PRO

05-03-2018 11:57 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

It would be good to add additional Details to the Catalog View (and Catalog Pane).  


Right now Maps and Layouts have a column for Date but nothing is populated.  Date is only populated in Databases.  


Date should be populated for all elements that are visible in Catalog.


Additionally the Document Path should be an additional column to help us ensure that we are pathed to correct data. 


Snapshot of Catalog View Showing Maps with no Dates and no Document Paths


Just adding my voice to the chorus. I *need* to know when (and which) FCs inside a File GeoDB have been changed. Now I have to swap back to Arc Desktop (which I'm trying my best to move away from) 


I want to add my support for this. As others have said, this is a bug not a feature and it needs to be addressed asap if ESRI is serious about getting people to move to Pro from ArcCatalog.


How has this still not been addressed???  A truly fundamental feature that has been missing for many many years now.  Its been obvious since the beginning that this is a bug.  There's a column specifically for the date.  It's just not populated. 

What exactly do you do with the billions of dollars you take in from governments and private industries around the world?  Obviously your not spending enough of it on coders and programmers, when major flaws like this persist for half a decade or more.  ESRI, you frustrate me to no end...

by Anonymous User

I agree. In ArcCatalog, you can see the modified date of feature classes. Why is this ability not in ArcGIS Pro yet?


ArcGIS Desktop ArcCatalog:


ArcGIS Pro Catalog View:


On occasion, I need to know when feature classes were last modified inside of a file geodatabase. Right now, this task forces me to use use ArcGIS Desktop, because ArcCatalog gives me the option to view the Modified date.

I think this functionality needs to be added to ArcGIS Pro.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

I agree wholeheartedly with TychoGranville about needing to be able to see the modified date for feature classes, as well as the size.  When I am building models in Pro, I now have to open ArcCatalog just to be able to validate that things went as planned, and then I have to close ArcCatalog again to rerun my model so that I don't have schema locks.  It's far from efficient to have to do this repeatedly.  Please provide this functionality again!


Adding my voice to the conversation. I'd vote a hundred "Kudos" to encourage this bug to be fixed. As many have said, when you take away basic functionality that we had in Catalog and Desktop, you make it challenging to move to Pro. 


we have always used catalog in ArcMap to see if a FC updated overnight from models that we run.  We also check the file size.  So annoying that this isn't available YET in Pro.


Agree @SherieTaylor . Super annoying and seems like it would be such an easy fix for ESRI. I'm really surprised to see this idea only has 83 upvotes? That's likely why it doesn't get resolved?



Within our organisation I had several people asking how to see the date of data. So please, add this ASAP in Pro.