Add Favorites / Bookmark Mxds

02-29-2012 08:48 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

In addition to being able to pull up recent MXD files, It would be nice to bookmark MXD files in a similar to how web browsers allow users to bookmark websites, or go into a website history.

Of course the function would need to be called something other than "Bookmarks" since bookmarks are already used for spatial bookmarks within an mxd

I think I follow you, this is a similar idea as "pinning" a file or folder location in Office 2010 to your "favorites" don't fall off the recent history list.  Right? 

YES! I like this idea.  

Status changed to: Closed

ArcGIS Desktop is in mature support and will be retired March 1, 2026 so we won’t be considering this idea. We recommend that you migrate to ArcGIS Pro, our fully supported desktop GIS application. See Migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for more information. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas. We truly appreciate your contributions to continuously improving the software to help you do your work and look forward to what ideas you have for ArcGIS Pro.

ArcGIS Pro allows you to pin favorite projects to the startup list.