Add Refresh to Favorites

09-15-2022 06:19 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Please add refresh capability to the Favorites tab in Catalog.  Some favorites are located on network drives and are not always reconnected on start up so these items show with red exclamation points.  Once connected to the network drive (through windows explorer), you have to restart Pro for them to be connected within Pro.

Add a refresh to remap the favorites so the user can have Pro remap to the favorites and not have to restart the entire application.

Tags (3)

Thanks for submitting this @Anonymous User I just tried in ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and do not experience the need to restart the application.

You can currently refresh a favorite item from the burger menu:


(This screenshot is from a daily build of ArcGIS Pro 3.1, but that Refresh functionality is there in 3.0). Can you please check to see if that refresh works for you?

In ArcGIS Pro 3.1 (scheduled for Q1 next year), we're adding a lot of functionality to the favorites context menu, including Refresh.


Try the current refresh method and let us know if it allows you to connect without having to restart the application.



by Anonymous User

Thanks @KoryKramer ! I didnt think to check the hamburger and its there.  Looking forward to 3.1 with it being in the right click contextual menu!

Status changed to: Already Offered

Thanks for confirming @Anonymous User We'll mark this as Already Offered (with improvements coming in 3.1).