Catalog all GIS data on a Server

4 weeks ago
Status: Needs Clarification
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New Contributor


I have been trying to pretty much catalog all GIS related data (raster) from a large hard drive with very unorganized data on it. 

I have messed around with the "Create Mosaic Dataset" tool and I can get footprints to show up. 

Is there a way to catalog all GIS data including shapefiles/KMZs/KMLs and export this footprint to a shapefile or a kml so I can put into ArcPro or ArcEarth and click download or see the path to the individual data item?

Working it now any help or guidance would be very much appreciated. 

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

@TanuHoque thank you this is great to show the footprints, what I want to do from here is when i click on a footprint (ex. a raster rectangle) then have it populate in the data with option to copy where on a harddrive its located. Any ideas if any tools exist to do this it would be very much appreciated.



when you click a footprint polygon, it shows the path of the dataset in the popup window like below.

Is that not helping in your workflow? Maybe I misunderstood your ask. If so, would you mind provide me a bit more information to help understand.
