Fallback label class if the default label cannot be placed

03-10-2016 06:58 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

When labels are to large to be placed, it would be nice if there was an option to try using a different label class instead.  I realize mapplex has a lot controls to try to fit labels such as stacking labels, reducing font sizes, abbrivating, etc.  However, even with all those options sometimes labels are still too large to be placed.  It would be nice if there was an option such as:  "If a label cannot be placed try using this class instead:  ."  In addition I do realize there is additional labeling options such as annotations and creating label classes by feature area.  However, annotations take time to set up, and sql queries by area dont always work because some features may place labels if they are retangular, but not if they are square in shape - even if they are the same size.


Default Class

  • Use both the parcel numbers and owner names for the label.
  • Try to fit the label in the parcel by reducing the font size and abbreviating if necessary.

Small Parcel Class (Try to use this class ONLY If the default label was not placed)

  • Use only part of the parcel number for the label.
  • Try to fit the label in the parcel by reducing the font size and abbreviating if the text.

Please see the Geonet discussion for more information:  Fallback label class if the default label cannot be placed


Yes, Please!!

Status changed to: Already Offered

In ArcGIS Pro we've added Alternate expressions.  This allows a different field or expression to be used if the original text doesn't fit.
