Snap to Centroid

08-27-2010 12:26 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

While editing a point file, whose features fall within a polygon, it would be nice to be able to snap this point to the polygon's centroid. 

Explained a little better, I am placing address points within a structure outline. In this instance, snapping to the centroid of the structure would be a plus. 
I have the same intent as jrutkowski, and might also want to place existing address points in the centroids of existing parcel polygons.
by Anonymous User
Snapping address points to the centeroid of building outlines polygons is what I'm after ... I'm sure others would love this ability as well. 
Yes, would be nice to snap grave identity markers to the center of each grave-plot polygon.
Yes, would be nice to snap grave identity markers to the center of each grave-plot polygon.
This would be a great addition. There already is the ability to snap to the midpoint of a line.
This would be a great addition. It would also be nice to be able to move a polygon and be able to snap it's centroid to an existing point.

Agree, it would be a great snapping option. 

Try the Feature to Point GP tool and use default settings to snap points to centroids.  


Came here to suggest this as well. Sure, you can pretty easily convert polygons to points, but there doesn't seem to be a good solution if your points already exist (as of Pro 3.1).