Turn off animated effects in ArcGIS Pro

01-08-2020 11:22 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

Every time i select a feature or edit or split a feature the selection appears to slowly pulse (or fade in/out out/in) which is a new animated visual effect in Pro. The pulse effect takes way too long bordering on annoying which is especially cumbersome when splitting a feature to many parts as every part slowly pulses after the split operation completes. 

There are a lot of such animated pulse and fade effects throughout the application. I would much rather see mu results instantly presented on the display.  

Consequently, it makes the whole experience of using ArcGIS PRO, which is already much slower than the legacy ArcMap in almost every respect, even slower.  The whole editing experience feels slugish and non-responsive. 

It would be great if we could TURN ALL such animated effects off globally in settings. 


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any news?? I would like to improve editing performance in arcgis pro by removing these unwanted animations such as flashing the selected feature.


Hi @andreamangeruca There is no status change on this yet. Make sure that you add your kudos to the idea.

It sounds like you are advocating for the original request; that is, to turn off the feature flash altogether rather than speeding it up. Is that correct? I'm assuming you would still want a manual way, then, to indicate which feature is which.

What are the main editing tools you use where you find this slows down your work?

Thank you


Hi Kory,

they are many, as Planarize, Merge ... and Navigate Table ... so on..



"Have you tried disabling javascript animations?" is a sentence I never thought I would hear uttered, much less find useful, when trying to diagnose performance problems in our "industry standard", "professional" GIS software. Amazing.


I added my kudos to this idea, and I'll reiterate my support with a comment. I am QCing new data collected inside of 2,000 new polygons by visiting each polygon in turn. When I zoom to each new polygon, there's a delay  of 1-2 seconds while I wait to see what is behind the "flash." It's adding a significant amount of time to an already tedious task. 


I would pay 500$ to add the option listed above; to turn off these animations which literally add no value and completely ruin the tactile experience in Pro. For the love of god before I give up on my career, please give us this option.


Sorry for the frustration @BenjaminTaylor234234234 Because this is an Idea, please be sure to add your Kudos to show your support. Thank you!


The animations are distracting and aggravate my headache when I have to look at a screen for work. Please add a setting option to turn these off.


@KoryKramer The Kudos button is too small and hard to find. I had to hunt to find it. I think this keeps prevents people from giving kudos even if they support an idea. I suggest moving the kudos button to the top and making it bigger.


Thanks, @EmikoCarrell I'll share that with the Esri Community team.