ArcGIS Pro : Can't Add Geolocator

04-11-2017 09:15 AM
Occasional Contributor III

I took a Geolocator in our REST Services on our ArcGIS for Server and added it to my AGOL content.

Then I tried to add it to my Geolocators on ArcGIS Pro.

It never adds.


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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
  1. What version is your ArcGIS Server?
  2. Can you see the geocode service that you added to your ArcGIS Online as a utility service in the MapViewer as an option to search for locations?
  3. Are you able to insert a new ArcGIS Server connection in Pro to your ArcGIS Server and add the service to the Project in ArcGIS Pro? Add locators to a project—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 
  4. Which version of ArcGIS Pro are you using?


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