Arcgis Pro Postgresql connection issue

09-19-2023 01:07 PM
New Contributor II

Hello everyone,

I am trying to connect a PostgreSQL server. The initial connection process goes smoothly, and I can successfully add the connection under the database connections. All tables are populated from the PostgreSQL database as expected. However, I encounter an issue when trying to add the data from the connection to the map; ArcGIS Pro becomes unresponsive and freezes. I am unable to cancel the operation or interact with the software.

I tried the same process with data from my local PostgreSQL connection, and it worked without any problems.

Thank you for any insights or assistance you can provide.

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5 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

What type of data are you adding from the remote PostgreSQL machine?

                 Spatial / Tabular?

Is the data "locally" the same data?

Sound like there is something in the data layer that Pro does not like.

--- George T.
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New Contributor II

I tried to import the same data into my local and connect it to ArcGIS Pro, and encountered no issues. In fact, we've encountered a similar problem with any spatial data from this connection.

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Esri Frequent Contributor

There can be multiple items in play here. I am just trying to get clarity.

I am wondering if there is a PostgreSQL server setting that may be weird.

So no tables (spatial or non-spatial) will load from your remote server?

All local server data works as expected?

--- George T.
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New Contributor II

Yes, when I attempt to load from the remote server, ArcGIS Pro freezes

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Esri Frequent Contributor

I have not encountered this specific behavior before. It may be best to contact Technical Support and work with them on this specific issue.

You could look at this to help troubleshoot: . I am not well versed in this specific tool.

--- George T.
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