Attribute table sorting issues in text fields

09-26-2019 12:16 PM
New Contributor II

Attribute table sorting issues in text fields. ArcPro 2.4.1

The clip below shows a common attribute in two separate feature classes.  The field structure and type are identical, there are no extraneous spaces.  Both tables contain identical data in this field and are sorted in ascending order.  The sort order of the dash "-" character is different.  any ideas?

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5 Replies
MVP Emeritus

are there differences in the locations of the featureclasses? (eg, local file gdb, SDE etc)

or their types?

['A5(md)4+10_5L', 'A5-1(md)25+99_9L']

is the correct order... as per python sorting

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New Contributor II

Yes the left table is an SDE in Portal, the right is a local GDB

Jo A. Moore, GISP

GIS Specialist

Bureau of Reclamation

Lahontan Basin Area Office

705 N. Plaza Street, LO-630

Carson City, NV 89701

tel: 775-884-8363

fax: 775-884-8376


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of

knowledge.” ―Stephen Hawking


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MVP Emeritus

No clue.... "(" comes before "-" in a sorted list of printable characters (determined using python 3.6.8, UTF-8 encoding... I can produce the examples if you want them)

Another one for SDE being itself I suppose

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New Contributor II

Thank You Dan,

Its been making my world a little crazy. I think my work around is to

create a separate sorting attribute.

Jo A. Moore, GISP

GIS Specialist

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MVP Emeritus

BUG-000095569: Text fields are not sorted correctly in the Show Sel.. 

It is almost Friday, so I will look no more.

See if the Sort tool does the right thing, and move on from temporary sorting if that isn't the issue