Defense and production Mapping Extensions

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06-22-2021 07:32 AM
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New Contributor III
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

So, the licenses are available. Please Check for the toolboxes of Topographic Production tools and Defense tools.

Note: Some tools (Topographic Production) require additional extension like Spatial Analyst or Workflow Manager. Topographic Production toolbox licensing 



Additionally, you may download and install the Product Data files from My Esri.



You may also see some additional tools (other than the geoprocessing tools) like Replace Color.


You may follow the ArcGIS Pro Online documentation for more details.

Think Location

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I am glad to be able to help you with your query.

We, here on the Esri Community, respond to queries to the best to our knowledge. Also if you have any specific issue, remember to ask a new question, so that it will have better visibility (not only by the Esri users, but also the Esri staff as well).

You can also reach out to Esri Technical Support, as well.


Think Location

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Ensure that Production Mapping or Defence Mapping license is available.

You could check the steps in Replace Colors




Think Location

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16 Replies
New Contributor III

Thank you so much for your comments, I have been looing through them

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I assume you don't see the licenses under Esri Extensions in ArcGIS Pro (Licensed: No).


If your licenses are Concurrent Use type, please ensure that you have authorized Defense Mapping and Production Mapping for ArcGIS Pro (not the ones for ArcGIS Desktop - ArcMap). Even though you choose ArcGIS Pro while authorizing, if the license keycodes are that of ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap), the latter will get activated.

If you have difficulty finding the corresponding keycodes for ArcGIS Pro, please contact Esri Technical Support.

Think Location
New Contributor III

Thank for your comments, my ArcGIS Pros is the same what you explained, but it does not work.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Did you log a case with Esri Technical Support? They can check if the correct license keycodes have been used for authorization. This seems to be the only way to go forward.

*I strongly feel that the keycodes you used for authorization are for the equivalent extensions of ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap).

Once the correct license keycodes (For ArcGIS Pro) are authorized, restart ArcGIS Pro (if required) and you should be able to use see the Extension License status as "Yes", and use the relevant tools.

Think Location
New Contributor III

Thank you so much

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Could you share a screenshot of your License Manager (Availability) like the one below (showing the Defense Mapping and Production Mapping licenses)?


Also share the license status page from ArcGIS Pro as well.

This will give a bit more clarity.

Think Location
0 Kudos
New Contributor III

My administrator, who installed straightly from those extension not got to ArcGIS Administrator, is that the problem?


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

It would help if you could at-least share the screenshot of Licensing page of ArcGIS Pro (Project > Licensing).

No separate installation required for the desired extensions in ArcGIS Pro (Only authorization of license is required).

Think Location