Drone imagery not displaying after creation of new workspace

06-14-2022 05:48 AM
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New Contributor

I have created a new workspace with my drone imagery, however, the actual imagery does not display after creation of the workspace. The only additions to the map include the camera locations and flight path. These are errors that I received when creating the workspace:


2022-06-13T13:16:35.197: Error: 8004206c: Failures reported while processing specified command item. [73]
2022-06-13T13:16:35.203: Error: 8004206a: Chained Error ID: 0X8004206A
2022-06-13T13:16:35.280: Error: 8004206a: Could not validate the footprint geometry associated with the item. [ID: 73, URI: '\\av-data\data\2022_05_031_1048_DR_U18_P31\0002SET\003\IMG_0672_2.tif']
2022-06-13T13:16:35.305: Error: 80042012: No footprint geometry available for raster dataset. [IMG_0672_2]
2022-06-13T13:16:35.328: Error: 80040213: The operation was attempted on an empty geometry.
2022-06-13T13:16:38.332: Estimating raster statistics for mosaic dataset.
2022-06-13T13:16:38.723: Error: 8004205e: 1 mosaic dataset items could not be built.


Does anyone have suggestions of something else to try? I also tried running another dataset I have and there were no errors, but I still do not see the actual imagery (for this one I can see the footprint and boundary, just not imagery).

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