Error 002809 Field OID unsupported in shapefile export

11-28-2023 09:29 PM
Labels (3)
New Contributor

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and have come across the Error 002809: FIeld OID in XXX is of an unsupported type for the output workspace. I have not been able to find this error in ESRI resources or community chat. It seems like an obvious problem that should not exist given the limited options for export from the geodatabase in Catalog. The geodatabase requires the OID and fails to export as FID or appropriate for shapefile. Any ideas gratefully appreciated.Screenshot 2023-11-29 152147.png

12 Replies
New Contributor

Work around, use Geoprocessing Feature Class to Shapefile tool, right clicking and selecting Export to Shapefile in the Catalog is fraught.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Try Copy Features (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

from ArcToolbox

... sort of retired...
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New Contributor

I tried this but did not work when I tried to export the shapefile to different folder connections.

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New Contributor

Same problem here...
I have tried the first work around with success.

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New Contributor

I am getting this error too. I was not able to resolve using Feature Class to Shapefile. I have a join on my layer that I want to export as a standalone SHP. Keep getting this error. Must have something to do with the new field type "Big Integer" because that is the only one giving me grief here. 
Edit: My work around was to delete the "Big Integer field" in my target layer. Not really ideal but got me past the hurdle

New Contributor

The same things worked previously, but now, when I try to export, copy, or clip and make the output layer in a folder other than the working geodatabase, I face problems like yours.

ERROR 002809: Field acq_date in delta is of an unsupported type for the output workspace. 


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New Contributor

You can add new fields and calculate field operations for added fields, then delete the previous field that hinders your process and try to export it. It will help you to do that.

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New Contributor III

I experienced the exact same issue: what to export a gdb to shapefile on another folder, & this error prevent me from doing so. It never happens before, nor do I know where to locate the issue. How can that be resolved?

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New Contributor II

I've tried all of these work arounds and still have an error. I export this exact shapefile on a monthly basis and I've never had a problem until now. This seems like it must be some type of bug with the newest updates from 3.2.2 or 3.2.1... Can we get an ESRI rep in the chat please???

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