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Identify WMS Layer in Pro

08-22-2016 07:49 AM
Occasional Contributor II

I'm having difficulties identifying features in a WMS layer in ArcGIS Pro. I can see that a request is sent off to the service, but ArcGIS does not show results. I used Fiddler to inspect the result, and found that ArcGIS passes invalid coordinates for the I and B parameters:


Since both I and J are pixel coordinates (see § 7.4.2 of the specs), they cannot possibly be negative, and yet ArcGIS passes -641613 and 214651. And even if by accident ArcGIS used real-world coordinates, they would still be invalid due to the fact that the used spatial reference does not have negative coordinate values...

The service is

The map uses the RD New spatial reference (EPSG:28992), and so does the WMS layer.

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

How did the service get loaded into Pro?  Was it in an MXD that got import or LYR file that got loaded?

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Occasional Contributor II

No, I started with an empty map, added a basemap from, and then added the wms layer manually.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Are you trying to load all layers or just one of them?  If the latter, which one?

I am able to load the entire BAG service, but I can only get the woonplaats layer to show anything.  The bag layer appears to visible in the legend, but I can't see anything regardless of scale.  The other layers are greyed out in the legend, so I can't see anything from any of them.

I tried loading the service in ArcMap, and it behaves the same as in ArcGIS Pro.

If you have information that shows ArcGIS is passing bad WMS parameters, I recommend you contact Esri Support and get a bug logged here. 

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Occasional Contributor II

Hi Joshua,

Thanks for taking the time to look into this.

It doesn't really matter if you load all or just one layer. Identifying the woonplaats layer won't work either.

For the other layers to show, you should zoom in to ~1:8,000. (The service may be slower if your map uses a coordinate system other than 28992, so you may want to check that if you want to see the other layers. But for this issue it's not that important).

I'll contact Esri support anyway, but any input here  is also appreciated !

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Occasional Contributor II

So, I got an answer from our Esri support desk in The Netherlands. It seems that identify on WMS is only supported for WGS84, and not for any other coordinate system.

UPDATE: In a follow-up, I was told that Identify works on geographical coordinate systems only. Projected coordinate systems do not work at this moment. This is filed by Esri as BUG-000099054.