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Meaning of blue/purple text in query layer

07-19-2022 09:32 AM
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Occasional Contributor III

In this ArcGIS Pro query layer, one of my field names turns blue/purple:


When I publish the layer in a web service, it gets quotes around it:


The quotes are causing issues with related tables. Why do they appear, and is there any way I can get rid of them? I've tried adding AS [Level] as an alias, but the quotes still appear in the service.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

In Oracle at least, "LEVEL" is a keyword. It would be like naming your column "INT" or something, and the publishing process probably just quotes it out to avoid messing up the queries going on with the database. Could you try an abbreviation like "lvl"?

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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