New Export Tool Not Exporting Dynamic Text Table Values in Map Series

03-02-2020 01:28 PM
New Contributor III

I am attempting to export a map series generated in ArcPro 2.4 with 2.5's new export pane and some of my dynamic text is not updating as pro iterates through the maps. When exporting, any dynamic text based on the Map Series will update as ArcPro iterates through the layouts, but any dynamic text based on a Table Attribute does not. Instead, it just stays at whatever text is on the map I have previewed in the Pro UI. This did not occur in patch 2.4. Am I missing a setting somewhere in the new pane?

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11 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Andrew, 

This is a known issue - BUG-000128971. We are currently working on a fix for this issue.


New Contributor III

The bug says this was remedied with the 2.5.1 patch. I just loaded the patch and it's still missing some data. However it's not EVERY map that does it and it's only with related data.

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New Contributor III

Good to know, thank you Ryan! What do you mean it isn't EVERY map? We have not updated to 2.5.1 yet but I will test as soon as we do. 

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New Contributor III

This is the first time I tried the Map Series in Arc Pro. I usually use "Data Driven Maps" in ArcMap, I had to re-create our voting precincts for a new polling place application I put together. I created a relate between the precincts and polling places in the gdb. In the map series, the maps are just feature extent for each precinct and I have dynamic text from the related polling place: Address & Location Name, and whether signs are allowed at that location. For most of the maps, the dynamic data from the polling place is displayed on the map. For only some of them, it's blank. I thought maybe those missing the text, for some reason, didn't have a related record, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

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New Contributor III

I figured out the issue. The Map Series is basically running a spatial query at the same time. If the polling place doesn't fall within the boundary of the actual precinct, it isn't showing the data. 

Alternatively, if one precinct has several polling places within its boundaries, the data from all of the polling places is displayed. 

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New Contributor

Has there been an update on BUG-000128971?  I am currently using ArcGIS Pro 2.5 and really need this fixed!

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Tami, 

The fix for this issue has been included in Patch 1 for version 2.5.

ArcGIS Pro 2.5 Patch 1 is Available 


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New Contributor

Hi Tom, I have downloaded ArcPro 2.6 and it doesn't seem that this bug has been fixed or is it only 2.5.1 which it will work in?

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New Contributor III

On version 2.7.1 - map series dynamic text based on attribution changes the displayed value in the layout as I flip through the pages in Pro BUT it picks one value and only displays that one value when I export the pages to pdf.

If I export one page of the map series at a time the resulting pdf has the correct attribute value used in the dynamic text. Exporting all pages at once causes this problem. Good to know a "workaround" but this largely defeats the purpose of a map series, at least if you require attribute based dynamic text