The string provided as the Address Locator's Parcel Name does not automatically match in geocoding

07-25-2023 02:07 AM
New Contributor III

Hello folks,

I am using a user address locator in Korea with Parcel Name as the Primary Role.

In Korea, parcel names are assigned following a specific process. For instance, when Parcel 93 undergoes subdivision, it results in new parcel names with serial numbers containing hyphens(-), like 93-1 and 93-2. Additionally, parcels located in mountainous areas include 'Mt', such as 'Mt93-1'.

The issue at hand is that Parcel Names containing hyphens are not automatically matched in the Locator. As shown in the figure, when an address with a hyphen is searched, it appears in the suggestion section. However, upon pressing the Enter key to initiate the search, geocoding is failed. As far as I know, the only solution is to manually click on the suggestion. This problem also affects Rematch addresses and significantly impacts the quality of geocoding.




To further investigate, I conducted a test by replacing the hyphen(-) with the alphabet 'a', and the goeocoding worked flawlessly. In other words, the problem seems to be specific to strings containing hyphens.

I am uncertain whether this is a bug or an intended behavior of the locator in ArcGIS. If it is indeed a bug, I would appreciate guidance on how to address and resolve this issue to enhance the overall functionality and accuracy of the geocoding process.

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