VS2022 Extension ProWindow with no ViewModel class

08-17-2022 11:17 AM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor III

As detailed in this post: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-sdk-questions/light-dark-logo-image-in-prowindow/m-p/119745... I added a ProWindow to my project and the ViewModel class was not added. DockPanes and PropertySheets get the ViewModel class added automatically. Is this by design? If not, I think It would be helpful if it was added in an update.

by Anonymous User

Yes, this is by design.  Dockpanes and property sheets are managed via the Framework through their view model class, declared in the Config.daml, which is required.  Windows (and User Controls) are not (managed by the Framework).  It is up to the developer as to whether a separate view model should be used or not.


For any questions or comments, please tag Original Publisher -  @ChristopherZent ("Anonymous User")


Gotcha. Thanks.