applyEdits and Geodatabase version

12-09-2011 03:35 AM
New Contributor III
When attempting to apply an edit (delete) to a feature layer I created in 10.1 Beta 2, I am receiving this error: "Table attachments not supported in this release of the Geodatabase." Our SDE database is version 9.3.1 (which does not support attachments). Even though it does not support attachments, is there anyway we can still apply edits to this version of SDE, or will we have to upgrade our SDE database?

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6 Replies
New Contributor
I'm getting the same error on my feature service - attempting to add a feature.  I'm not attempting to do anything with attachments, but getting the error that "Table attachments not supported."  I'm also on a SDE 9.3.1 database.  Is SDE 10 required to use the feature services?
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Esri Contributor
Feature services do not require SDE10. It should work fine with SDE 9.3.1. We'll look into the issue.

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New Contributor

    I Have just ran into this my self.  I have a Feature Polygon I am trying to cut, but I get the error,
"Table attachments not supported in this release of the geodatabase".   I have just switched to ARC 10,  sp4.  We are still in SDE 9.3.1.

Thanks for any ideas.

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New Contributor
Any update about the error?
My Env:
ArcGIS 10.1
ArcSDE 9.3.1
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New Contributor II
I'm getting this error when trying to create a spatial index for an sde feature class in 10.1
anyone ever get a solution?
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Occasional Contributor III
Hi there

I too am accessing ArcSDE 9.3.1 and getting the below error message. I am using ArcMap 10.1.1.
"One or more layers failed to draw:

Table attachments not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value."

Unfortunately it does state which one or more layers failed to draw. Also it only comes up when I switch to layout mode and not data mode.

I suspect it may only be occurring in one MXD or any MXD from which I copy out the layout and layers. However I am experiencing other problems which may or may not be related to this so my issue may be unrelated.

I actually think the problem may be related to locally held basemaps. My computer went off for repair and has since came back. Temporarily I was working on another computer. So it may be that the cache was on that computer and now ArcMap does not like it because the MXD is on a different computer without the same cache. Just a educated guess.

UPDATE: Having further looked into this. It seems the problem is with a file geodatabase held locally on my PC. This is a version 10 file geodatabase, which I am accessing through version 10.1.1. Whenever I try to view the data held in it, which is just 1 layers worth, it causes ArcMap to hang. I copied this geodatabase to another computer running version 10.0.4 and exported a downgraded version of my MXD to open on that PC and the geodatabase could be accessed without any problems.

Out of interest, what are table attachments? I couldn't find much on line when I did a search.

Kind regards

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