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Javadoc for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android Version 10.1.1

02-26-2013 12:46 PM
New Contributor III
Hello, thanks for read me. I upgrade my ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android to Version 10.1.1; everythinks works fine and I don´t have any problem with my project, but now I can´t see the Javadoc; when I put the cursor over the text this message appears:
"Note: This element has no attached source and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc."

I intented to change the Javadoc location in Java Build Path, but when I selected the item it can not be edited. I attach the image. How can I see the documentation again?

Thanks for your help.
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14 Replies
New Contributor
Hello, I have the same problem.

My system:

win 7 x64 SP1

Eclipse 4.2.1
0 Kudos
Regular Contributor
Same here - no Javadoc...

I've tried all the above and still can't get it to work.  Has anyobody?

I'm running Elipse 3.6
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Occasional Contributor III
We have reproduced the issue of only classes showing up on javadoc hover in Eclipse.  I am looking into the issue and will provide an update soon.
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Occasional Contributor III
The fix will be in our upcoming v10.2 release.
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Occasional Contributor II
Is fixed now.

Thank you!

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