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Authorize app to use ArcGIS Online account

11-12-2020 01:21 AM
New Contributor


I am creating an iOS app that makes use of downloading a web map offline. I keep getting an infinite loop of seeing the following screen (see image attached), where it says 'Digital Trails wants to access your ArcGIS Online information'. When I enter my credentials and try to login, it instead reloads the same page without any error. Any help in regards to what could have caused this would be greatly appreciated.

- Mike

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Mike,

I would like to know few things to narrow down the issue.

How many layers are in the map which you are trying to take offline? Is user you are using has access to layers?  All layers belong to the same server? Are you getting the prompts only while taking it offline or just loading a map too?


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New Contributor

Hi, thank you for the reply.

There is only one layer, so only one server as well. The account does have access to the layer (the account created it), and the error occurs when loading the map (even before taking it offline).

What's interesting is that the exact code that I have works when I put it into a separate iOS app (one I created just for testing this functionality), but when I put that same code into the app me and my team are working on, that is when I got this error.

The app me and my team are working on has a 'Lite' license, while my separate test app had no license, not sure if that would cause anything. I have tried not using the 'Lite' license (commenting it out), but that still produces the same result.

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Esri Regular Contributor

What is the OAuth configuration and is App configured correctly to handle redirect URL? If possible, send me a sample app to reproduce the issue. You can direct message.


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