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Camera Orientation Not Working when attaching photo

11-20-2013 08:50 AM
New Contributor
I have an application that when put into landscape orientation and try to take a photo with the camera the orientation of the image does not match Landscape.  Taking a photo in portrait orientation works as intended but when in landscape the photo is turned 90 degrees and is very disorientating to look at.  If someone knows how to fix this or if it is an intended bug it would be most appreciate.
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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Are you using your own app you have developed or are you using ArcGIS for iOS on your iPad? There is a known issue with iOS 7 that causes the camera from a popover to be rotated 90 degrees. There is a bug for this issue submitted to Apple and is still marked as open. In the Collector app we worked around this issue by making the Camera go full screen instead of using the popover.

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New Contributor III
How do we do that with the default popup view controller?
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New Contributor III

Any resolution on this?  Its becoming a serious annoyance for people..

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Esri Notable Contributor

We worked around this in the Collector app on iOS by taking the camera to a fullscreen mode.

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New Contributor III

Thanks Russel but does that mean it is not going to be fixed up in the free app?

I would prefer to use that for some applications because collector always automatically records the pont location for you(I havent seen an option to disable this?), I want the user to be forced to place the point on the map themselves (or to hit the button if they want to record GPS location).  And there is also the additional cost associated with Collector if we have more users.


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