Labels duplication during the map panning (iOS SDK 10.2.4)

02-05-2015 04:59 AM
New Contributor

How to avoid labels duplication while panning a map in ArcGIS iOS SDK 10.2.4?

The problem can be reproduced while panning the map view as demonstrated in the attached pictures. Duplicate labels are drawn while you slowly pan to reveal concealed area of the region. However, once you zoom in or zoom out, even slightly, the duplicate labels disappear.

What is used for this example are the following:

  • AGSGraphicsLayer with AGSGraphic objects representing district borders added to it.
  • AGSUniqueValueRenderer initialized with unique value AGSTextSymbol for each district graphic.
  • Even if I use AGSSimpleRenderer with a single text symbol I still get the same problem.

begin pan.png

end pan.png

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2 Replies
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Ruslan,

Thanks for your detail pictures to show the odd behavior.

I wonder is this can reproduce on physical device or only on Simulator?

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New Contributor

Hi, Yue!

The sample I provide is a quintessence of the problem described.

We've started wondering about iOS SDK labeling abilities on iPad Air 2 with our native application using ArcGIS SDK. Then we did it with that application on simulator, and then continued wondering using "clean" sample app. Should we provide video with iPad?
To save time we can make video with app using right-way-written code for labeling that you will provide.


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