Query Task Sample

01-19-2010 09:54 AM
New Contributor
Does it work? It doesn't seem to. I've typed in "York" and "Cook", the query goes out, and nothing comes back.

"Find" for the service, http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer//f... , works.

Any ideas?
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3 Replies
New Contributor
Nevermind. It was because of the wireless network the phone was connected to in the office.
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Esri Contributor
Glad you figured this out. Can you provide more details as to why you were having the problem?

We will update the sample to throw a friendly error when not connected to a network. That should help avoid any lengthy troubleshooting problems in the future.
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New Contributor
The wireless network I was connected to wasn't functioning properly. More of a network/user error than ESRI error, but you could provide a "user-friendly 404 error message". I would treat it as a very low priority IMO.
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