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Retina Display Issue: Fuzzy Symbology and Tile Imagery

06-03-2011 11:26 AM
Occasional Contributor
Dev Team,

The symbology and tile imagery in our iOS application appear blurred on the iPhone 4???s Retina Display and we're not sure why. We've created the necessary images in both resolutions to support older versions of the iPhone, but we're not sure what we've done wrong. There don't appear to be any articles or resources on the current SDK's support for the Retina Display. I???ve attached a screen shot for reference. Notice how all the other graphics are nice and crisp and how it contrasts with the fuzziness of the tile imagery and symbology. A few questions:

- What might be causing the fuzziness and how can it be resolved? Is it something with the map? Is it something with the AGSPictureMarkerSymbol?
- What if we wanted to use Bing maps tile imagery, would those tiles be fuzzy as well when accessed through the ESRI iOS map View?

Thanks for your time,
- Aaron
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10 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Dev Team,

The symbology and tile imagery in our iOS application appear blurred on the iPhone 4�??s Retina Display and we're not sure why. We've created the necessary images in both resolutions to support older versions of the iPhone, but we're not sure what we've done wrong. There don't appear to be any articles or resources on the current SDK's support for the Retina Display. I�??ve attached a screen shot for reference. Notice how all the other graphics are nice and crisp and how it contrasts with the fuzziness of the tile imagery and symbology. A few questions:

- What might be causing the fuzziness and how can it be resolved? Is it something with the map? Is it something with the AGSPictureMarkerSymbol?
- What if we wanted to use Bing maps tile imagery, would those tiles be fuzzy as well when accessed through the ESRI iOS map View?

Thanks for your time,
- Aaron

Just found out through ESRI support that this is a known issue with the Retina Display. No time table was given for a fix.
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New Contributor II
I had same trouble with our project (my app code don't use ArcGIS API for iOS).

My problem was resolved when I see difference between screen size in points and screen size in pixels (in old devices display 1 point is 1 pixel, but in Retina 1 point is 2 pixels).
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Esri Regular Contributor
This will be fixed in the next release.
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New Contributor II
This will be fixed in the next release.

FYI, basemaps on retina displays still look really bad.  This is still not fixed.  Status update??

Thank you
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New Contributor
in lieu of a fix at the moment, how are people getting around this issue? We have integrated this and are not happy with the results to release the app. With no date that I can see for a fix, we need to look at alternatives.

What have others done? 🙂
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Occasional Contributor II
Is the fuzziness at all zoom levels, or just the ones between basemap scale boundaries.

ie. if the basemap has scale levels of 1:50000, 1:25000, 1:10000, 1:1000. When at 1:1100 it would be pixelly, then at 1:900 it would appear  sharp
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New Contributor
I'm having the same issue. I have tried to run the sample app given in the document exactly as is and in that also its got the same problem.

For example, if we search for "Sydney Opera House" We just cannot zoom it to street level view. It gets totally blurred - I've attached an image, please do take a look.

The other part I've observed is that the app on the Appstore runs absolutely fine. So I think there is a problem with the library which is not loading the tiles after zooming.

Photo(27) is the sample app from the documentation.
Photo(28) is the App from the Appstore.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Hi Hussein. Note that in your screenshot the drop-pin symbology is not blurry, it's just the map tiles.

This is because the Geocode sample is using a basemap tile service ( which is no longer updated and which doesn't have global coverage for all zoom levels. If you were to zoom in to that level in the US, you would not see the blurring.

Really the sample (and you) should be using That tile service is the same as used by the basemap picker at ArcGIS Online and by the ArcGIS iOS App. Incidentally, in your screenshot of the app, it's using the Topographic Basemap, not the Streets Basemap.

It's a multi-step process to look at an ArcGIS Online basemap and work out the URL to use, so I have created this reference page which may help:

Please let me know whether this resolves your issue.


P.S. I have asked that the sample be updated to use the current tile sets.
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New Contributor II
I'm having the same issue. I have tried to run the sample app given in the document exactly as is and in that also its got the same problem.

For example, if we search for "Sydney Opera House" We just cannot zoom it to street level view. It gets totally blurred - I've attached an image, please do take a look.

The other part I've observed is that the app on the Appstore runs absolutely fine. So I think there is a problem with the library which is not loading the tiles after zooming.

Photo(27) is the sample app from the documentation.
Photo(28) is the App from the Appstore.

This is a seperate issue that you are experiencing.  The original problem is that the tiled map service layers in the iOS api are displayed with fuzzy, low resolution.  Compare to android, which displays tiled layers correctly.
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