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Editor Drawmode

04-25-2012 07:22 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor II
Is it possible to change the Drawmode on the Editor (much like you can change the Drawmode of the Draw object)?  I am using the Editor to add polygons to a graphics layer (among many other things).  I want to be able to add circles and ellipses in addition to the default draw mode of the editor.  Ideally I'd like to avoid having to work with both a draw object and the editor, but as far as I can tell the draw object is the easy way to draw circles and ellipses.  It would be great if I could just do something like "MyEditor.DrawMode == DrawMode.Circle".
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1 Reply
New Contributor
Bumping this up..
I want to use the Editor class to create rectangle/circle polygons.
I know the Editor supports different DrawModes, as you can set a feature template name in the Editor "Add" command, and then use Arcmap to set a drawing mode in that feature template.
So is this at all possible? Without having to set up a feature template?
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