What are the terms of use for Bing TPK's ?

04-24-2012 01:10 PM
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Occasional Contributor III
Someone was telling me it would be a violation of the terms of use to create a tile package (TPK) of Bing or even Esri's base map for use on a device in a disconnected mode.

Is there more information on this somewhere?
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4 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Hi Kirk,

Please refer to the document in the link below:

ArcGIS Online Services and Bing Maps Information Guide

Please see page 16 to 24 for use of Bing Map in ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, and Web Applications.
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Esri Frequent Contributor

The packaging analyzers in ArcMap should prevent you from creating a Tile Package (TPK) containing layers which reference the ArcGIS Online and Bing services.


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Occasional Contributor III
Thanks Mike & Pho for the fast response.

Q: Can I store a copy of ArcGIS Online map service tiles for offline use?
A: No. Temporary caching of tiles in a client is permitted for performance reasons while the client is connected to the service. This local cache is not allowed to be shared outside of each end user's connected application. The local cache cannot be copied somewhere else and used again with another application or service or for offline use

So even though OSM is available on ArcGIS Online, it appears it would be a violation of the TOS to use it.

Is there a tool that allows me to create a TPK from http://www.openstreetmap.org/ ?
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Esri Frequent Contributor

ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS for Server can create the TPK - I'm investigating whether there's any recommended symbology available in the form of an MXD or set of LYR files.


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