ArcGIS 10 strange model builder error

04-12-2012 04:07 AM
New Contributor
Hi Everyone,

I have been creating a toolbox (tbx) using ArcGIS's modelbuilder. I saved it in a .tbx, but the strange thing is that when I open the model from some other PCs it cant be run, and appears like this

meanwhile if I open it from some other PCs it works just fine! The PCs are running the same version of ArcGIS with the same service pack and also the same OS. Its quite confusing this issue.. has anyone faced this errror before? mind to share the reason and solution with me?

Thank you!

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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor
The PCs are running the same version of ArcGIS with the same service pack and also the same OS. 

Are all tools drawing with this weird style or just Spatial Analyst tools? I'm wondering if Spatial Analyst is installed on the machines that are coming up strange.
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New Contributor
All tools are coming up strange in certain PCs. They both have Spatial Analyst Extension activated and installed.
This is why I am quite confused about what causes this problem.

The tools coming up strange cant be edited or runned. its so strange!!

Thank you!
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Esri Regular Contributor
Hi Taniapf,

I am sorry you are facing this problem with a model diagram not drawing properly. To troubleshoot I need some information from you:

What is the os of the original machine?
What is the os of the machines that do not work?
What does the model look like on the original machine?
What is the version of ArcGIS on the original machine?
What is the version of ArcGIS on the machines that have the problem?
Was there any problem with ArcGIS install on the machine showing the problem?
Can you share the model?
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New Contributor
Hi shitijmehta,

Thank you for your help and I will answer your questions:
1. What is the os of the original machine? Windows 7 Enterprise Service pack 1
2. What is the os of the machines that do not work? Windows 7 Enterprise Service pack 1
3. What does the model look like on the original machine? [ATTACH=CONFIG]13551[/ATTACH]
4. What is the version of ArcGIS on the original machine? ArcGIS Desktop 10 Service pack 2 build 3200
5. What is the version of ArcGIS on the machines that have the problem? ArcGIS Desktop 10 Service pack 2 build 3200
6. Can you share the model? I can share the model with only some PCs, not all PCs eventhough the PCs have the same settings which is strange. I saved the model in .tbx file in a folder on a network  so I can open it on every computer which has ArcGIS. but eventually this is not the case, on some PCs the model can be opened but cant be run and look like this:
and on some others it works just fine as on the original machine.
If you need any toher information I am willing to share to find out what causes this problem.

Thank you and Best Regards.
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