Topo to Raster Never Finishes

11-29-2011 09:23 AM
New Contributor II
I am trying to complete the "Create a hydrologically correct surface" exercise from "Introduction to Surface Modeling Using ArcGIS 10" course on ESRI's web training. I have followed the steps in the exercise through Step 4 (Create a surface area using feature data), which involves running the Topo to Raster tool. However, when I run the tool, it runs until it gets to the point when the status bar says "Topo to Raster 100%" but it never actually finishes and no Elevation file ever shows up in the target geoDB (in this case, Scratch.gdb). We tried this tool from another machine in our office and had the same problem. It just gets hung up and never finishes. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this problem? Both of us have ArcGIS 10.
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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Can you try it without altering the Output Extent values, i.e. leave the default extent.

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New Contributor
Hi Jon and Steve
I am having the same problem.. I have tried it with the default extent values. Please do post if you find the source of the problem or a solution.
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Occasional Contributor II
I have had similar problems in the past. The workaround at the time was to use a polyline to point tool, where a point is generated at every vertice, and then convert the resultant point layer to a raster.
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Occasional Contributor II
I have had my share of frustration in getting this tool to work properly, but I think I may have found at least a partial workaround.

1.  Do all of your work in a "dedicated" file geodatabase (not a personal geodatabase).  I think that this may be the most important thing.

2.  For your map document (.mxd) set your default geodatabase to be your :dedicated" file geodatabase.  (From the ArcMap  "File" pull-down, select "Map Document Properties" and then browse.)  This also sets the "Scratch workspace".

3.  Make sure all of your input data is in this file geodatabase.  (In my case, the geodatabase contains a feature dataset that contains my contour feature class.)

4.  At this point it might be best to save the .mxd and then re-boot your computer.  (This step may not be necessary, but I often find that by clearing out all the memory, this sometimes gets a tool to work successfully.  This can only help, but it will take a couple of minutes.)

5.  Open the .mxd.

6.  From ArcToolBox open the "Topo-to-Raster" tool.

7.  For the "Input feature data" it may actually be best to browse to your contour data rather than using the built-in pull-down.  (I don't know if it is really necessary to browse.)

8.  Once the feature layer has been input, just verify that the "Field" that the software automatically defaults to is really the field that you want.  (In my case, the desired field was called "Elevation" and defined as "Double")

9.  For the "Output surface raster", be sure to place the output into the same "dedicated" file geodatabase.

If anyone else is successful with this procedure, please post.

Good luck. 

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Occasional Contributor II
OK, since my previous posting of 1/4/2012, I have again run into the problem of the "Topo to Raster" tool failing.  My most recent set of contour data (originating from an AutoCAD drawing which was then exported into my file geodatabase) would not convert to a surface using this tool.  Investigation of the contours revealed that these contours, rather than being "Polyline" features, were actually "Polyline Z" features.  (To check your data, just open the attribute table for your contour data and look at the "Shape" field. 

The workaround was to use the "Feature Class to Feature Class" tool. 

After filling in all the required inputs, click on the "Environments..." tab at the bottom. 
When the new screen appears, expand the "Z Values". 
In the field "Output has Z Values", use the pull-down menu and select "Disabled".  (Note:  I also did the same thing for the "M Values", but I am not sure if this is necessary.) 
Run the tool to create your new feature class.

For this new feature class, verify that the "Shape" field now shows "Polyline" for all records.  Using this new feature class I was able to successfully run the "Topo to Raster" tool.

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