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Creating multiple surveys from Survey123 on one geopoint in Collector

04-26-2021 02:13 PM
New Contributor III


I am trying to be able to have my fieldworkers be able to collect multiple surveys for one geopoint. I am able to add the survey to each geopoint, but then it creates another geopoint instead of just keeping the survey with that one specific geopoint.

We dry weather screen stormwater outfalls every year so we need to be able to have multiple submissions for a survey on one point. 

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Emily! It seems like this would be a good use case for related tables. Here's a support article on how to implement this.

An alternative to creating the relationship class in ArcGIS Pro (steps 1-4 in the article), would be to publish a survey that includes information about the stormwater outfall locations (including the geopoint) in the "main" section of the survey. Then include a repeat section which contains the inspection/screening questions. If you go this route, you'll end up with two survey forms -- 1) location information & the repeat section, and 2) only inspection/screening questions. In the second form, be sure to change the FormID and Submission URL, as outlined in the linked article.

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