How to determined if a field as been updated and clear some fields in the form accordingly?

05-23-2022 03:00 AM
New Contributor III

When editing a previous survey submission, I wan't to clear the responses for questions 2, 3 and 4 if the answer to question 1 is changed.

To achieve this, I tried to created a hidden note that would take the value from question 1 with the default parameter and then calculated if the value from question 1 is changed by comparison. Something like:


Unfortunately, this gives me a "Dependency cycles" error!

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

3 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

You'll need to use the "once" function. That stores the first answer given to a question. You can then use that as your comparison point without running into dependency errors.


Example attached below.

New Contributor III

It seemed a great workaround, but it still gives me a "Dependency cycles" error! 😞

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Occasional Contributor II

That's weird. It works perfectly well for me.

Are you saying that when you open the .xlsx form i uploaded, you are getting a dependency cycle error in Connect. If so there's almost certainly a problem with your version of connect. Try reinstalling.

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