Is there a widget to query and display Hosted Feature Services and attachments?

09-21-2016 03:42 PM
Occasional Contributor III

The query works great when adding a rest end point url to query for features.  I am looking for a widget to query a hosted feature service and show photos (attachments) from a hosted feature service from survey123.

This would provide a great interactive way to lookup and display my surveys/reports.

Does anyone know of a query type widget that also displays images (such that you do not have to select a feature to see the image like a pop-up, just query to get results)?

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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Tucker,

By "widget", I believe you are referring to widgets in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, right?

As you mentioned, currently the way to view images that are part of a hosted feature layer (collected from Survey123 for ArcGIS) is to select a feature in the Web AppBuilder map display and viewing its pop-up. There are no out-of-the-box widgets that can directly query the images associated with surveys. This will require a some custom development.

You may want to try posting your question in this GeoNet discussion group, Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets 

Hope this helps,

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