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Limit on total number of surveys received?

12-13-2019 07:35 AM
New Contributor III

Hi All,

Is there a way to cutoff a Survey once a given number of public entries are made? I see that there is an option to limit entries to one-per-user, but I need to have the survey open until, for example, 100 entries have been received. Once the threshold is reached, I want to shut the survey off automatically.


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4 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Scott,

This is not currently possible via the Survey123 website settings for a survey or via the form settings available in Connect. Currently only the time frame that the survey is open and closed for can be set via the Survey123 website settings: Share survey—Survey123 for ArcGIS | Documentation.

If this feature is important for your workflows and projects, I would suggest you raise it as an idea on the Survey123 ArcGIS Ideas page, and I would encourage you to submit an enhancement request via Esri Support. Our Support team will assign an official enhancement number for your records. Similar requests from other customers can then be attached to the same enhancement request, which helps us assess demand for the enhancement and prioritize it accordingly.



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New Contributor III

Thanks, Phil. I'll post the idea. That was the hope for an easy solution.

Is there a way to access the total number of rows in the survey from the XLS form?


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Scott,

No, it is also not currently possible to query the feature layer to return the number of total records from within the xlsform, however it could be done via a custom JavaScript function. Have you seen the latest beta feature available in Early Adopter Community for JS functions. You coudl write a function to query the feature service and return the number of records in the feature layer. Please check it out here if interested, however note there are limitations for public surveys and when users are not signed in for security reasons:



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New Contributor


Has there been an update on this topic? I am looking for the same limit on total surveys submitted.

Thank you,

Frank Simek

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