Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part III

04-30-2013 03:58 PM
MVP Emeritus

   Here is a new thread to post questions and discuss the Enhanched Search Widget. The old thread was getting too long.
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776 Replies
New Contributor III
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the code. I tried it and the results are less this time, but I just need the exact block/lot and not a set of similar block/lots. So If Im searching for Block 101, Lot 1. That is the only one that should turn up in the search.
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New Contributor III
Got it, I forgot to take the % signs out. Thanks for your help Robert.
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New Contributor
Ok, Robert,
I hope you can include the Multiselect-DropDownList component in the next version of your widget.
I found the component in this web-> http://www.sakri.net/blog/2011/10/20/spark-multiselect-dropdownlist/
The author is Sakri Rosenstrom. It is a very nice component and the author really deserves credit for that.

Best Regards from Spain!!
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Robert,

Great widget.  A small query about an error I am getting using graphical search.  In our viewer if I tick on the "buffer graphic" option and then draw a polygon, the following error is returned:

"Wrong unit type (expected linear unit, got angular unit, or vice versa)"

Looking at it in fiddler, the error occurs on the call to the geometry service to create the buffers.  The buffer spatial reference passed to the geometry service in our viewer is GDA94 geographics, the same coordinate system as our services, and I was attempting to buffer using metres.  The documentation for the geometry service says that when buffering a line or polygon, if the buffer Spatial Reference is geographic, the buffer unit must be angular, so presumably this is the cause of the error.

My question is - where does the widget get the buffering spatial reference?  Is it from the service you are searching?  I note that in your calcounty example of the widget the bufferSR passed to the geometry service is a projected SR (Albers Equal Area Conic).

Testing on the rest endpoint of our geometry service, if I replicate the rest call from the esearch widget, substituting the buffer SR passed (4283 - GDA geographics) with a projected SR (e.g. NSW Lamberts - 3308) I get a result.  Is there a way to change the buffer SR passed by the eSearch widget so we can force it to use a projected SR?

If not, can I suggest this as a future enhancement - to have an optional config item for buffer SR.

Many thanks,
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MVP Emeritus

   The buffers spatial reference is controlled by the spatialreference tag in the eSearchWidget.xml. So yes you already have control over the spatial reference used by the buffer.
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New Contributor

Is there a way through your widget to control the buffer based on a selected polygon and not off the click location?  I love the versatility of your widget and was wondering if this was possible through a code configuration in the xml on my side or if would require coding from your end?

Also, this relates to your TOC widget, I noticed that it acts like the esri default layers list with respect to checking/unchecking parent/child boxes.  Currently I have the mxd project setup with the parent boxes checked so on start up the user only has to check child boxes.  The problem I'm having is that if you uncheck any of the parent boxes, it will uncheck all the parent boxes that don't have child layers already checked.  This could lead to confusion on the end user.  Are you aware of a work around or have you experienced this issue?

Thanks in advance!
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New Contributor II
Hi Robert,

I am new to Flex and trying to install the widget. Unfortunately, it gives me an error that it could not find the widget SWF. I am probably missing something simple and maybe even downloaded the wrong file. Any help getting me off the ground would be great.


Using Flex App Builder 3.4
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MVP Emeritus

   Hmm... You have me wondering what you are talking about exactly, because the graphical serach portion of the widget will buffer a point, polyline, rect, or polygon that you draw. The Spatial Search will buffer what ever type of layer geometry you have have selected based on a text or graphical search run earlier...
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MVP Emeritus

   When you download the widget it come in a zip file that has folders, pdfs, and a text document. in the folder called For_AppBuilder3.4 there is another zip file, that is the zip file you should be adding to App Builder through the Advanced Settings > Manage Custom Widgets dialog.
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Occasional Contributor

   The buffers spatial reference is controlled by the spatialreference tag in the eSearchWidget.xml. So yes you already have control over the spatial reference used by the buffer.

Many thanks Robert - I hadn't noticed that config item. 

One other small thing - I am finding that when I do search with a buffered polygon, the buffered graphic stays on the screen.  This is ok, as you can clear it by pressing the 'clear' button, but it is different to a non-buffered graphic, where the graphic disappears when you run the search.

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