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Extra Link Button In Query Widget

08-01-2011 08:12 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: stuart.blumberg


I am working on an extra link button for the query widget. It sits next to the sideways triangle in the query widget window.  When the user clicks on the sideways triangle a window opens with an image.  This image also shows in the popup when the user hovers over the feature.  When the user clicks on the extra button next to the triangle a window will open with other information.  I have included an attachment to show what I mean.  I can get the extra button in the query widget window, however I can't seem to link each button to a seperate link.  They both link to the same place.  I got this working in the 1.3 version, however I can't get this to work in the 2.3 version.  Does anybody have any ideas what I'm missing?  I've attached my code.  Thanks.
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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: rscheitlin


  You were missing most of the places in the code where you would need to make use of the link2.
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New Contributor II
I figured it must have had something to do with the "link2." I had been tinkering with it for ages but I just couldn't get the right combination.  Thank you so much!
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