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Help with Panoramio KML feed

11-14-2011 10:28 PM
New Contributor
Can anyone successfully add the Panoramio KML feed as an operational layer to their ArcGIS Viewer for Flex? I have tried using the following code:

<layer label="Panaramio" type="kml" visible="false" url=""/>

When I load the viewer, I don't get any error messages and the layer is available under my More... dropdown menu, but when I check the box to turn it on nothing happens.

Any help on this issue would be much appreciated.

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2 Replies
New Contributor III
McCain, there is idea suggested by me via panoramio photo layers for ArcGIS if you like you can promote and/or leave a comment and if you don't like you can demote it as well. I have asked a similar question in the panormaio forum via without any answer. Panoramio forum is going to be migrated and I think the forum URL will change in near feature.
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New Contributor
Thanks for replying. I promoted your suggestion on the link you sent. 50 million geolocated photos is vey impressive and I agree would be an incredible resource for ArcGIS.

Do you, or does anyone else reading, think that including the panaramio feed in an ESRI web mapping application would be possible with custom programming? The organization for which I work would be willing to hire someone to build this kind of functionality for us if it is.
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