Incorporating Google Street View with Flex

11-18-2010 06:25 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: hockey31


Is there a widget to incorporate google street view into the flex viewer?  Are there any license fees or issues that need to be paid to google to use street view?  Also, where can I get the widget I am using Flex version 2.

Any help is appreciated.  Thank you in advance!
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6 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: hockey31

Thanks, but I don't currently have the software to compile this version.  Is there a compiled version out there anywhere?
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New Contributor III
Thanks, but I don't currently have the software to compile this version.  Is there a compiled version out there anywhere?

I haven't seen a compiled version for this newer widget (which is for Flex Viewer 2.1). However, ArcScripts has a widget that works with the older Flex Viewer. I was able to hack around with it, and get it to work, and I'm no developer, so I don't think it was too hard, and certainly didn't need to be compiled. The only problem is that since it's for the older viewer, it may not work with the 2.1 viewer.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: hockey31

From what I have read the older flex widgets wont work with version 2.1.  Thanks for the suggestion.  Also, are there any license restrictions for using streetview on a flexviewer website?
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Occasional Contributor II
I've included a compiled version of my street view widget as well as the source code here:
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: buzzard316

I've included a compiled version of my street view widget as well as the source code here:

I am trying to deploy the compiled version from the link above and am getting Error#2036. I generated my own google API key, swapped it into index.htm, and I am not getting the messgae about generating the google API key, so I don't think the key is the issue. Anyone else have this issue?

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