MySQL Spatial database : Build Graphics and Display in the ArcGIS Flex Viewer

07-14-2013 03:09 AM
New Contributor II
Dear All
I have MySQL Database with features in it (Land Parcels, Railway Stations,Roads etc)
I need to build graphics and display this as layers in ArcGIS Flexviewer for publishing on the Intranet.
I also need to be able to toggle the layers on and off (Table of contents) but I do not know where to start.
Can anyone help me in achieving this?

Your assistance is highly appreciated.

God bless,
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6 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
Unfortunately, there is no "direct" way of using your MySQL database in ArcGIS, as MySQL is a non-supported database platform in the ESRI product line. This means you can not create ESRI enterprise geodatabases in a MySQL database.

You might consider converting to a PostgreSQL database, if you want to take full advantage of all options the ESRI enterprise geodatabases have on offer, and stay with Open Source.

Other than that, I guess you will be stuck with exporting the data to some file format the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex supports, possibly shapefile or maybe through some more steps using ArcMap to a file geodatabase... Be aware that shapefiles may truncate field names though due to limitations in the file format.
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New Contributor II
Unfortunately, there is no "direct" way of using your MySQL database in ArcGIS, as MySQL is a non-supported database platform in the ESRI product line. This means you can not create ESRI enterprise geodatabases in a MySQL database.

You might consider converting to a PostgreSQL database, if you want to take full advantage of all options the ESRI enterprise geodatabases have on offer, and stay with Open Source.

Other than that, I guess you will be stuck with exporting the data to some file format the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex supports, possibly shapefile or maybe through some more steps using ArcMap to a file geodatabase... Be aware that shapefiles may truncate field names though due to limitations in the file format.

Thank you for the quick reply, I do not have ArcGIS Server, so what I need is to have a access the spatial data stored in MySQL database and be able to query the data in ArcGIS Flex viewer and display the results overlaid on ArcGIS online backdrop imagery.
My hosting service provider only support MySQL database, that is why I need a way of displaying the spatial data using ArcGIS Flex viewer

Any ideas on that?
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MVP Regular Contributor
I have to little experience with MySQL and ArcGIS Viewer for Flex to guide you further on this. I think you will need to wait for some responses by other forum members.
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New Contributor
I have to little experience with MySQL and ArcGIS Viewer for Flex to guide you further on this. I think you will need to wait for some responses by other forum members.

Hi how can i add MySql Spatial data on flex viewer. I am trying to implement in the following way.

1) Converted the shape file into MySql database
2) Trying to Publish the REST Endpoint that exposes the MySql Spatial data as xml or json(xml preferable)
3) By using the response from the REST Endpoint i am trying to create a Feature

Is there any other best idea to do this please revert me if any of you guys are working with similar kind of work process
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MVP Regular Contributor
2) Trying to Publish the REST Endpoint that exposes the MySql Spatial data as xml or json(xml preferable)

Is there any other best idea to do this please revert me if any of you guys are working with similar kind of work process

Can't comment on the specifics of web services and REST, as I have no experience with it, but if you are able to expose feature data as JSON, you might be able to make some good use (possible or most likely after your own code customization) of ESRI's new Spatial Framework for Hadoop and the Geoprocessing Tools for Hadoop, as it contains functions for converting JSON data to and from geodatabase Feature Classes. That is probably not a good end-point for you, but since the code is Open Source, you may be able to convert to some other format more suitable to your requirements on the client side.

I guess this is a rather involved procedure though, some people with more experience in this area can probably come up with easier solutions and references to useful code.

For some insights into what the Spatial Framework for Hadoop is, see my PDF and all the references therein here.
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New Contributor
Can't comment on the specifics of web services and REST, as I have no experience with it, but if you are able to expose feature data as JSON, you might be able to make some good use (possible or most likely after your own code customization) of ESRI's new Spatial Framework for Hadoop and the Geoprocessing Tools for Hadoop, as it contains functions for converting JSON data to and from geodatabase Feature Classes. That is probably not a good end-point for you, but since the code is Open Source, you may be able to convert to some other format more suitable to your requirements on the client side.

I guess this is a rather involved procedure though, some people with more experience in this area can probably come up with easier solutions and references to useful code.

For some insights into what the Spatial Framework for Hadoop is, see my PDF and all the references therein here.

Thanks for your reply.

Really that was good idea of opting the Geoprocessing Tools for Hadoop but do i need to leverage any thing from ESRI. My most concern is i should work on only OPEN Source.

I can expose the total data as JSON next i should be able to use that JSON data in Flex Viewer like layer data i mean to say as a layer.
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