New Search in HeaderController (Flex Viewer 3.1)

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12-26-2012 12:07 PM
Occasional Contributor II
This applies to the 3.1 version of the viewer.  I have configured the HeaderControllerWidget.xml to search my own data.  To do so I disabled the geocoding tags (<geocoding></geocoding>).  However when performing a search against my own address field in my parcel layer, the search is still using the geocoding service as well as my own data.  I don't know what else to try in order to completely disable the geocoding service.  Very annoying!!

Anyone have any ideas?
Tags (2)
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16 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
Thanks a lot Robert!  That did the trick.  I really appreciate your help. 

I think this is the best enhancement that has come to the viewer since they released the supported flex viewer. The original search widget is too complicated for average users.
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Esri Contributor
Hi everyone,
Just a little clarification to help ease any confusion.

The Search Header is currently designed to work to always use the geocoding locator service, whether you specify the default or one of your own. If you do choose to work with your own layers as well and add the <searchlayers> tag, it will use both the locator AND the layers you specify.

The documentation has been updated to reflect this as to hopefully avoid anymore confusion.

Thanks for all your patience, and enjoy the new functionality:-)
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Occasional Contributor II
Thanks for the information Heather.  In future versions I hope that an option is provided to turn off the geocoding service.  As it stands now, if you use your own layers in the search bar, they show up last in the drop down list.  It took me a while to figure that out.  I thought it was not searching the data in my layers until I figured out that I needed to scroll to the bottom.  That made the functionality unusable until Robert provided the code update.  Sadly I don't think most of the users for our applications would figure that out and it would only confuse them.

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Esri Contributor
We will definitely take this into consideration as it does appear that others besides yourself have asked for this functionality.

Thanks for suggestions.
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Occasional Contributor
Has anyone else had any problems with the view extent not going to the geocoded item after running the search?  I am not using the default projection, I have set my config file to match my data wkid="2243" .  

After running the search it takes me to a blank view, way out of my extent, probably trying to set the view extent based upon wgs84 values?  The interesting thing is that if I use the zoom to extents, to get me back to my map, I can generally see the geocoded point labeled correctly on the map.   i.e. geocode respects my projection, extents do not not appear to.


Thank you
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Esri Regular Contributor
Just wanted to follow up and let everyone know that the 3.2 release fixes all (we hope) of these issues:

  • work with all projections

  • turning off locator in appbuilder

  • configure mapservices in appbuilder

  • specifying sourcecountry (only with widget tag, not in appbuilder)

FYI: if you want to see what other viewer code changes made it into 3.2, look at the 58 closed and verified issues for 3.2:
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