Viewing ArcGIS for Flex Application offsite

07-17-2015 05:42 AM
New Contributor II

I have recently created an application using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex with feature services hosted on our ArcGIS Server. The application is also installed to the server, but we want some of our clients to be able to view and benefit from these applications offsite, as we can tailor them to their specific needs. I have really almost no experience in computer programming, so this application builder has been a real help, but is there any way at all for these applications to be viewed elsewhere since they're specific to our in-house ArcGIS Server, or am I going about this completely the wrong way? Any input/advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   In order for the apps to be accessible off-site the app would need to be Exported from Application Builder and hosted on your web server that has public access. Your ArcGIS Server would need to be accessible (the rest url endpoints) from that web server.

There are many configurations that allow for this:

  • The simplest is for your IT dept to allow access to your web server from outside your network.
  • The one I implement is a much tighter security model. I have a web server running Apache web server in my DMZ in front of my firewall. Apache uses reverse proxy module to redirect traffic from a url like to a internal IIS web server inside the firewall that uses a non-standard port (so the redirect url looks something like this, http://mygisserver:5656/arcgis/rest). The firewall allows incoming and outgoing traffic using that specific port (i.e. 5656) from the DMZ to the internal web server.
New Contributor II

Thank you for the suggestion! I'll run this by my IT guy and see what we can get going.

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