Joined tables not showing up in Viewer

01-31-2012 05:30 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: ryanstovern

When I was testing the beta we had a joined tax data table to our parcels table and the attributes were able to be viewed in the viewer, and now those joined tables are not viewable?

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1 Reply
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: katydalton

Hi Ryan,

I know you posted this almost a month ago, but I wanted to check in and see if you sorted out the issue?

Is this the scenario you have:

  1. Create a map document with a layer that has a join to another layer or table

  2. Publish map document

  3. Add the map service as a layer in Viewer.

  4. Configures popups for the sub-layer with the join.  The fields from the join should be treated the same as any other field.

Or do you have a different scenario happening?

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