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Installation issue

12-22-2014 08:14 PM
New Contributor II

i have installed Webapp builder for developers v1.0. For the first run, it asked for Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS online Organization URL.

Since i did not had any of these URL's, i created 30 days ArcGIS online organization trial and provided its URL to WebApp builder. But Webapp builder showing below error.

"Unable to access http://<OrgName>

A server with the specified hostname could not be found"

But the same URL is responding when it is requested from browser. Can anyone please help me how can i start off the webapp builder development.

Thanks in advance.



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1 Reply
MVP Alum

Hey Suraj,

I can't help you with this particular problem, but instead of the 30 day trial,I would suggest going with a free developer license. This would enable you to explore the web app builder longer.

Plans | ArcGIS for Developers


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