Union Multiple steps with one step ?

07-19-2012 06:15 AM
New Contributor
Can I club 2 steps in a single step. As I have 2 steps 1: Send notification 2: Assign the job. I want to run this activities one click. Is there any option where in I can join these steps in one. In order to reduce number of clicks.
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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
Hi Rajesh,

One option for this is to set the steps to be auto-executed in their step properties. Then, if the users clicks the Auto-execute button on the toolbar, it will execute both of these steps with one single click.

Another option is to have the step properties of the subsequent step handle the job assignment, rather than having an assignment step in workflow specifically for this.

The "Step Properties" section of this document should be able to help you with either of these: http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#/Tools_for_configuring_workflows/003800...

10.1 also adds some additional functionality that would help in this case. First, there is the ability to send a notification when step is completed (also set as a step property) so you can avoid the Send Notification step. As well, it also adds the ability to truly combine multiple steps into a single step via the use of subworkflows. In this case, the steps you want to run together would be moved to their own workflow, and a single step would be added to the original workflow to run this subworkflow.
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New Contributor
Thanks a lot Kevin. I will try this out.
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