10.4 upgrade error - "event invocation for COM objects requires event to be attributed with DispIDAttribute”

04-21-2016 07:15 AM
Occasional Contributor

Thank you for looking at my question.  I have upgraded to 10.4, re-built my applications in VS2013.  At which time I was not getting the esriAddIns created.  With help from a prior question I did the following:

I went to my Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Esri and the AddIns.target file is ESRI.ArcGIS.AddIns.target.  In the VBPROJ file (from 10.3) it was ESRI.ArcGIS.AddIns.11.target. I removed the .11 from the three references and made sure
the CSPROJ file was updating which it was.

I also found that the AddInTargetVersion was set to
10.3.  I changed it to 10.4


Once I made the changes the esriAddIn file was created for each of my applications.

Now when I go to run the addins I get the following error messages.

“Application.OnStartup - event invocation for COM objects requires event to be attributed with DispIDAttribute”

“Object or Application that generated Error:  System.Core.”

I am working on trying to understand these messages, but if anyone can shed some light on these or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Thanks, Dale

6 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Now what I can determine is that I need to set the Embed Interop Types on the references to True.  I cannot find a way or where to do this VS2013.  So that is where I am currently at.

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Occasional Contributor

I went through the Embed Interop Types on the references, some are set to true, others false, changing any of them does not help.

In going through the Output file I found:

Config.esriaddinx : warning : The file content is an invalid ESRI ArcGIS Add-in configuration xml.

So I am looking at that.

There has to be some documentation, something on all of this, I cannot see every user going through all this to upgrade to 10.4.

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Occasional Contributor

After a lot of digging and looking on the internet and determining where it was error was occuring in my application, I figured out that the Embed Interop Types on the ESRI.ARCGIS.Carto reference was set to True and needed to be set to False.

Once I set it to False I no longer received the error.

What I found odd that when I set the Target Framework to .NET Framework 4.5 some of the references updated to version 10.4, while I had to go in and remove and then re-add the other references.

On the other references, the Embed Interop Types, some are set to True, some are set to false.

New Contributor

Many thanks, Dale Shearer. This also worked for me, changing this assembly from True to False fixed the  error. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I did not have to mess with the properties of any other references.

New Contributor

Thx Dale. I've started the migration from ArcGIS 10.2.1 / Visual Studio VB.NET 2010 to ArcGIS 10.4.1 and VS2013. I got the same error, but your post saved my day. I set Embed Interop Types for all the assemblies to False and the error go away

New Contributor II

Thanks a lot Dale,

This has worked for me to migrate ArcObjects Desktop code migration from 10.1 to 10.5.1 with VS2015.

I set all Referenced assemblies property ' Embed Interop Types' = False on properties window ; and it removed all errors  - "Additional information: event invocation for COM objects requires event to be attributed with DispIdAttribute"


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