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"Buddy" property inToolbarControl or TOCControl.

10-01-2013 02:16 AM
New Contributor
Hi, my friends,I am new to the ArcEngine,but counld you launch me what's done when the Buddy property of ToolbarControl is set to a MapControl.
Here is the code:
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            toolbar.SetBuddyControl(map_main);//Set the MapControl as the Buddy control of ToolBar.

The toolbar is not active when I add the two sentence codes when the form loads.But when I manual set the Buddy property of the  ToolBar,you know that,when the ToolBar is activate when running the App. Or this two actions do not do the same work? I always think that they do the same work,is'n it?
Thanks for your time.
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