Corrupted Feature

04-24-2012 09:23 PM
New Contributor
I have electric network MXD on my LAN that works fine when I want to do network tracing some features are corrupted.When I try to place a flag, error message was display "Action could not be completed because the underlying feature is corrupt" how to find the correpted features Ids ....Thanks.
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2 Replies
New Contributor
UID uidUtilNet = new UIDClass();
            uidUtilNet.Value = "esriEditorExt.UtilityNetworkAnalysisExt";
            m_utilNetExt = m_application.FindExtensionByCLSID(uidUtilNet) as IUtilityNetworkAnalysisExt;
            INetworkAnalysisExt nax = m_utilNetExt as INetworkAnalysisExt;
            for (int i = 0; i < nax.FeatureLayerCount; i++)
                IFeatureLayer pfeaturelayer = nax.get_FeatureLayer(i);
                IFeatureClass pfeatureclass = pfeaturelayer.FeatureClass;
                IQueryFilter pqueryfilter = new QueryFilterClass();
                int fcount = pfeatureclass.FeatureCount(pqueryfilter);
                for (int j = 1; j <=fcount; j++)
                   IFeature feature = pfeatureclass.GetFeature(j);
                     INetworkFeature nf = feature as INetworkFeature;

how to compare " esriUtilityNetworkErrors.NETWORKANALYSIS_E_INVALID_FEATURE" this with networkfeature of which property

anybody knowns abt this let me know........ Thanks....
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New Contributor
I am also facing same issue can some one please help!!
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