ArcPad 10.2 crashing

09-24-2015 09:56 AM
New Contributor

I have recently started using ArcPad on a brand new tablet built to specifically run this application.  I have successfully opened it many times previously.  I have uploaded a map and cannot seem to open the map in ArcPad without it crashing.  ArcPad stop responding before it even opens.  Any suggestions on how to fix this?

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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Hello Tara,

Could you please be more specific?

Where have you 'uploaded' your map to?

What kind of data is in your map?

How big is your dataset?

How far into the ArcPad application are you able to get before the crash?

What is the last thing that happened before the crash?

Were there any error messages?

What kind of tablet are you using?

I want to help get to the bottom of this - but will need more information to narrow it down.



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New Contributor


It could be as simple as a corrupt install of ArcPad.  Uninstall ArcPad -> delete MyArcPad from Documents and everything from Program Files.  Reinstall. 

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MVP Emeritus

I have a response in other thread that may help

Re: Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition Initialization Error...

if you have an issues accessing the link, let me know and I'll edit and duplicate here.

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Occasional Contributor II

Tara, have you checked your files before use with arcpad..??

If all the files are good you need to reinstall arcpad or check if the dependency Microsoft SQL server compact edition v3 o 3.1 is correctly installed. The utility will be installed if you delete all files from your unit and reinstall arcpad.

Pay attention that acpad use a old versioon of the ecw plugin, so you cannot load the recent release[version 4 or 5 and some image of the last edition of version 3] of ecw images otherwise acpad will go in crash.

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